Understanding Topics / Chapters

If you’re stuck at any chapter or topic, our expert tutor will have a session with you over video conference. In that session, the tutor will make you understand the whole topic or chapter face-to-face.

Assignments / Projects / Presentations

If you need to complete an assignment or project in the form of a report, presentation, or both, our experts will guide you through the whole assignment or project.

Exam Preparation

If you’re stressed about your exam on your doorstep, and want help to complete the whole syllabus, our experts will take you through all the chapters through video conference. It can be single or multiple sessions based on your requirements.

Textbook Solutions

If you need to solve textbook problems for submission or your understanding, our experts will help you to solve those.

Tell Us How We Can Help You!

Please fill the below form with your requirements to reach us. Once submitted, one of our experts will check your requirements immediately, and will contact you once the checking is done!

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Please select the type of help you seek from us. If the help you're looking for is not listed in the dropdown, please select 'Other', and explain in the 'Details' box given below.
Simply type the date along with the month name for the Submission of your assignment or textbook solutions, Appointment for understanding topics. Your Exam date for Exam Prep. service.
Please select the type of assignment help you seek from us. If the assignment help you're looking for is not listed in the dropdown, please select 'Other', and explain in the 'Details' box given below.
Explain and write all the possible details regarding the help you're looking for.

Course Helpers
Address: Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Phone / WhatsApp: +88 01405-592773
Email: info.coursehelpers@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/coursehelpersbd
Instagram: instagram.com/course.helpers
YouTube: youtube.com/@coursehelpers

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